Vicki McCarthy, from childhood, was deeply interested in the spiritual aspects of life and had an understanding that many of the people around her were unconsciously bringing negative experiences into their lives.
Vicki's healing abilities were honed through a Near Death Experience in 1989 during childbirth. Being given the knowledge of our connection to Source and our Divinity, Vicki slowly began to integrate this profound experience into her daily life. Soon she began healing her pets and herself through meditation and using the energy in her hands.
She began devouring all the information she could find on natural healing and spiritual growth, and after attending an intensive course called "Healing Your Life" with Petrea King, she decided to embark on a week long study tour with Jerry and Esther Hicks to learn all she could about the Law Of Attraction.
Within a week of arriving back home, and without consciously seeking it out, she was offered a position at the Sydney Adventist Hospital, working with cancer clients, where she presented two programs she had written : "Tools For Healing" and "Happiness Skills," in a weekly seminar format.
Since much of the Tools for Healing program was a mixture of the information she had been given during her Near Death Experience, the Louise Hay Philosophy and the Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction material, she decided to do formal training as a "Heal Your Life Workshop Leader and Life Coach."
Still wanting to learn more about Energy Healing, Vicki trained as a Reiki Practitioner, and later, as she began attuning to the new energies on the planet, she trained as a Reconnective Healer.
She has worked in private practice at The Art of Health in Annandale, as well as Art of Health and Wellbeing in Leichhardt, and has now moved to Sutherland Shire to set up practice in Sydney's south.
Message of gratitude from Louise Hay to Licensed Heal Your Life Teachers....
"I want to personally thank each and every one of you for being inspired and moved to teach my message of self-love to the world. You know, when we aspire to heal others, we can’t help but also heal our own lives in the process.
Love is the great miracle cure. When we love ourselves, all areas of our life work. It warms my heart to know you are continuing to carry this important work to where it is needed most.
Life loves you and so do I".